
Thursday 27 September 2012

Analysis of this sequence from V for Vendetta (cinematography)

In this sequence I have been given you are first introduced to the character of the high chancellor. Immediately you can tell he is of some importance due to the fact that his face is well lit, it is a close up shot at a low angle so it looks like he is looking down on people also it is in shallow focus.  The shot then changes to what seems to be a mid shot at a slight high angle with a man sitting down with a light shining upwards towards him, this may indicate the fact that he maybe an antagonist to the story as the light ifs coming from the floor that may say he is some kind on devil/demon figure, also as the camera seems to be a slight high angle could show he is talking to someone who has more power than he does.  The camera then changes to a long shot that actually reveals the setting of the scene, which seems to be in a secret location you can tell this by the dim lighting. It has also now revealed that the high chancellor is not there in person but is talking to the people there by some kind of conference call, as he is on a big screen this indicates that he thinks he is to good to spend time with the people who do his dirty work for him. The camera also shows some high angle shots of the five men that seem to be sitting at a desk with light shining up on them, which indicates evil/hell. Also it seems to be a Point Of View (POV) from the eyes of the chancellor this could maybe mean that he is angry with the men, as they may have done something to anger him. But you cannot really tell as the men’s faces do not seem to be in focus.

Monday 24 September 2012

Alice in wonderland in the style of Giger

The way I have re-interprited this scene from alice in wonderland in the style of Giger is to turn change a few aspects to the miss-en-scene things such as the way it is lit, the colours and the props that are used the main thing i have done is having the table held up by a face hugger and having a skeleton imbedded it to the door. By doing this i have completely flipped the genre on it's head changing it from a family film in to a horror.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Analysis Of American Beauty

What is film studies

Genres Analysis Perspective Opinions Plots Motives Characters Understanding Messages enjoyable appreciation experience develop expression political meanings morals critic

28 days later

28 days later stills

V For Vendetta

 Film studies 
V For Vendetta is a film that is set in a dystopia of England, where the countries in the world have been struck with disease and poverty. England is the country that has come out best from this. America has become the world’s biggest leper colony in the world and asks England for money support. But the government in England has become corrupted and a High Chancellor, who has completely taken over the county and does what he wants, now runs the country. He has his own secret police called finger men.  Every civilian is not aloud out his or her house after a certain time of night. If they are caught   they get arrested and interrogated.
 The High Chancellor has passed laws so anything he does not like gets added to a black list and banned and destroyed such as pieces of art work, classical music, some foods and also religious texts like the Bible and the Koran. The Chancellor also has people who are homosexuals and disabled people beaten, arrested and even executed.
In the film the Government are portrayed as Nazi's and the High Chancellor is the equivalent of Hitler in WW2.

The character of 'V' believes the government are controlling the people. He believes that the people should be in control, not be dictated and believes they should get a say in they way the country is run. 'V' puts this message across to the government by a various number of terrorist acts such as, blowing up certain buildings, playing music considered as contraband, attacking members of the party's and hacking in to the national new network to deliver a treating message to the government and the people they have control over.  'V' has a personal vendetta against the majority of the party members in the government, as they locked him up, experimented on his body and others. He was the only one to survive them, but the facility were they experimented on him burned down on the 5th of november, in result of this, his body was covered in burns. This is the reason he covers his face with a mask, but the fact the mask is of Guy Forks face is a statement and a warning to the government saying "free the people or Guy Forks will succeed" this is my personal view on the mask.

The film is rather dark, mysterious, action packed, science fiction thriller. Its set out as if someone is telling the story of 'V's' and 'Evey's' relationship and how it escalates as film seems to revolve around how they grow closer to each other through all the dark things they encounter. Every other male character in the film that helps 'Evey' out seems to be linked in with 'V' in some way with what they do.

The way the film is shot film, you never see any of the characters outside in the day, the only time you see them outside is at night or in rooms. Whenever ‘V’ kills some one the rooms all quite dark and he always lays a rose on them. This adds mystery to the film and always leaves you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next.

The underline message of the film is saying that the government should not run peoples life's, people should get a say in whatever happens and not be dictated to as people will rise up against evil and fight for their own rights.